It's spring in beautiful Portland, which means crazy weather - it hailed, but it's been consistently sunny when it isn't rainy for the last few days, but also cold??? We get gorgeous flowers and sidewalk cats.
I like taking pictures of flowers too too much. It's a compulsion! I can't help it! I'm trying to limit it to when the light is real pretty, like it was yesterday evening.
My boo Jordan and I hung out at SE Grind yesterday with some coffees and talked shit and she's my favorite. Then Max and I went to Dairy Queen. #dairyqueenappreciationblog
Not the most flattering picture, but my nails look GREAT. (Sinful Colors Hazard.) Seriously though, I have nothing but good things to say about Dairy Queen. I WISH they were giving me money, or at least free food. The best summer meal is a double DQ cheeseburger and a cherry Slurpee, eaten outside.
I’ve learned a lot from your blog here, Keep on going, my friend, I will keep an eye on it,