My name is Hannah. Here's a picture of my face.
Some True Facts About Me
1. I have chronic bitchface. If you see me on the street and I look pissed, it's only external. I actually love EVERYTHING.
2. I have an abiding commitment to bad TV, junk food, and non-fiction. And Justin Bieber.
3. I usually sneeze twice.
4. I live and love in Portland, Oregon, USA, The Earth.
5. My favorite colors are cool-tone gold, coral, orange, heather grey, and green.
6. My #1 favorite activity is SINGING LOUD while driving on the freeway. Not with city driving though. The mood kind of dies when the dude in the pick-up that is at least 2ft taller than your little baby car is watching you quizzically at the stoplight.
7. My #2 favorite activity is waking up early in the morning, making coffee, and drinking it in front of the computer. This is like a ritual for me at this point.
8. I love eating more than I love most people I know.